Watch Your Mouth

Not the F word because well sometimes it just needs to be said.

I am talking about the words that creep into our daily vocabulary, edge into your psyche and bring down your energy and power. These little words that are unassuming, shifting our mindset without us even knowing it.

Should. Need to. Have to. Try.

These everyday verbs give power to guilt, shame and resentment, making us feel like we are victims to our circumstances. What would it look like if we changed those little word from a feeling of responsibility and resignation to a voice of choice?

I choose to save this money because it’s important to me to build up my savings account.”
I should put money in my savings instead of going on that trip.”  

It’s important to me to be honest and effective at work so I need to have that conversation with my coworker.”
I need to have that difficult conversation with my coworker about their performance.”

I want to be healthy in mind and body so I choose to go to the gym today.”
I have to go to the gym today.”

My intent with my partner is to be patient, supportive and kind.”
I’ll try to be a more patient, supportive and kind partner.”

My personal favorite is “I get to.”  “I get to pay my bills because I have a job.” “I get to push myself hard at the gym because I have a healthy body.” “I get to have a packed calendar because I have a lot of special people in my life.” It feels a little more of an honor and less of a grind. And it's a simple shift.

I challenge you to take a day and look at how often you use these words. Words have power. Take the power back in small ways and notice the big shift.

Holly Krivo Signature
Watch Your Mouth

These everyday verbs give power to guilt, shame and resentment,making us feel like we are victims to our circumstances.