How Feeling Small & Insignificant Reignited my Fire

Standing on a boat in the middle of a Fjord, my heart was full of awe, gratitude and disbelief at the beauty that surrounded me. And then a thought popped up that made my smile a little broader. I felt small and insignificant, in the best way possible.

I looked around thinking at this moment it doesn’t matter who I am, what I do or what I accomplish. This place was here long before me and will be here long after me.

I felt a sense of relief that yes while I still want big things for my life, most of the people in the world have no idea what I do or who I am. Every move I make does not have life-long impact. The self-imposed pressure lifted a bit.  

It’s normal to get wrapped up in our lives with no thoughts to the big picture. Our lives do matter and our struggles, worries, and victories are important to us. They should be. But so often we tend to overthink and over worry ourselves into paralysis thinking that every decision has this magnitude of power that in most cases it does not.

We tend to take ourselves so seriously that we can miss out on the excitement and joy that life can bring. We become so worried of people’s opinions and what could happen that we don’t step out with courage and passion.

We tend to think the world is watching every move we make when in reality we are all busy leading our own lives.

While surrounded by the most beautiful place I have ever seen, I felt a sense of power knowing I could do things that may fail, that make me feel vulnerable, that people may not understand and still the world goes on. Not everyone is watching my every move even if I would like to think so.

What is it for you?

What is ONE thing you would do if you gave no thought to other’s opinions of you?

What is ONE thing you would do if you gave no thought to the fact it might fail?

What is ONE thing you would be so proud of to accomplish even if it meant nothing to others?

I hope that in the future whenever I get hyper-focused on my bubble, I can stop and think about that moment when I looked around at a vast world and realized the small role I play and the power that lies in it.  

Whatever it is for you, I am rooting for you!

Holly Krivo Signature
Small and Insignificant

And then a thought popped up that made my smile a little broader. I felt small and insignificant, in the best way possible.