Katie and I were in conversation this past weekend about a decision we need to make. We have been going back and forth and hemming and hawing and round and round. You get the idea.
Then she said "I think the problem is we are playing defense, not offense and that's just now who we are".
Look at the coach getting coached.
In sports there is a saying "Offense sells ticket but defense wins championships," but so often in life we live in defense mode which rarely leads us to a win.
In this case we totally were. We were in a place of defense. Waiting for stuff to fall in place. Hoping things may change. Not wanting to make a call.
We weren't thinking offensively. We weren't making moves even if we had to redirect later. We weren't taking the power back in this situation. We were letting it happen TO us not making it work FOR us.
We do that a lot in life. We are paralyzed to make the wrong move so we don't. We stay on defense waiting for clarity to come to us as opposed to going out and seeking it. We would rather play safe than move forward without certainty.
What are you playing defense on in your life?
For us, we have put a plan in place and moving forward. Things may change and our plans may shift but we'll move forward offensively because remember "you'll miss 100% of the shots you never take". *I told you I liked sports quotes.*
Still struggling with making moves and feeling stuck? You don't have to go it alone. Email me and let's team up to get you the progress you want!