I didn’t lose weight when I quit drinking. ⁣

I didn’t lose weight when I quit drinking. ⁣

It kind of surprised me and if I’m honest I was a little disappointed when it didn’t happen. Side note: Not changing my diet and allowing freedom with food while quitting drinking served me greatly. ⁣

People ask all the time, “Did you lose weight?”,  and I cringe a little inside every time they do. Maybe a tad bit out of embarrassment but mostly because losing weight would have been the least impactful thing that happened when I quit regularly drinking. ⁣

Also I hate that question comes 100% of the time from women. But that’s a rant against the patriarchy for another day. ⁣

I didn’t lose weight AND gained so much more.⁣

Freedom. Confidence. Independence. ⁣

⁣That felt better than seeing any number drop on the scale. ⁣

Quitting to lose weight isn’t a bad thing but it’s not the only thing. ⁣

Holly Krivo Signature
I didn’t lose weight when I quit drinking. ⁣

I didn’t lose weight AND gained so much more.⁣⁣Freedom. Confidence. Independence. ⁣