If there is one thing you can count on every year around this time, along with all of us saying "How in the World is it already December?", it's the fact that for some reason we forget about the power of choice when it comes to the Holidays.
It's like poof, we are Men in Blacked and we must do ALL THE THINGS.
We HAVE to travel to relative's house. *Think pre 2020*
We HAVE to buy all the presents.
We HAVE to put the Elf on the Shelf up.
If I had a dollar for every time I heard (said) a version of one of these, I could have funded the COVID-19 vaccine and we would all be living our best life.
There is a lot of pressure around the Holidays but we have a choice in how we show up.
I am here to tell you. You are a grown adult who can choose what their Holidays look like.
If it is sucking the life out of you, you have a choice to not do it. Will you have to maybe let some people down or have difficult conversations? Most likely. And that may be something you aren't willing to do. That too is a choice. You have the power.
"Geez Holly, we haven't heard from you in a month and you're' all tough lovey."
And since this year is like no other you have the opportunity to let old habits that don't serve you die hard and make an empowered choice of what a meaningful and joyful holiday will look like.
I understand the loss of what you'll miss but (knock on wood) you'll only have one once-in-a-lifetime, world-wide pandemic Holiday season so make it your own.
It's your choice.